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Storii Case Study


Revolutionizing Story Game Creation with Storii

Client Background:

Our client, a creative entrepreneur, envisioned a platform that would empower individuals to effortlessly create custom story games at their own pace while maintaining control over pricing. This case study explores how our solution, Storiii, addressed the client’s vision and transformed the landscape of interactive storytelling.

Client Challenge:

The client identified a gap in the market for a user-friendly platform that allows individuals to create personalized story games with ease, incorporating multimedia elements and providing a monetization avenue for creators.


Storiii Implementation

Understanding the Client’s Vision:

Our team engaged in extensive discussions with the client to understand the core features and design principles for Storiii. The goal was to create a platform that catered to both novice and experienced creators, offering a seamless game creation experience.

Key Features Aligned with Client Goals:

User-Friendly Onboarding:
Storiii offers multiple sign-in options, including normal registration, Facebook, Google, or Twitter, ensuring a hassle-free onboarding experience for users.

Intuitive Game Creation:
Once logged in, users can create their own games using a variety of templates or start from scratch with a blank template, providing flexibility for creators with varying levels of experience.

Scene Editor:
The scene editor allows users to craft engaging story games by incorporating images, videos, messages, sounds, and interactive choices within each scene.

Customization Options:
Storiii provides a game settings feature, allowing users to customize text color, background color, background music, transition effects, and tap sounds, ensuring a personalized and immersive experience.

Monetization Opportunities:
Creators can set a price for their game at a particular scene, providing a unique monetization avenue for their creative work.

Reports and Analytics:
Storiii includes a robust reporting system displaying the number of games sold and the profit generated within specified date ranges, offering valuable insights for creators.

Technology Stack:

ReactJS, along with key client plugins including react-bootstrap, react-datepicker, react-file-drop, react-summernote, react-toastify, react-facebook-login, react-google-login, and react-twitter-auth.

Node.js, Express, JWT for secure authentication, and Moongoose for MongoDB integration.

Multimedia Integration:
FFMPEG for handling multimedia elements within the platform, and AWS SDK for seamless storage and retrieval of multimedia files.


Empowered Creators:
Storiii successfully empowered creators, providing them with a user-friendly platform to bring their story game ideas to life, regardless of their technical expertise.

Monetization Success:
The inclusion of a monetization feature allowed creators to set prices for their games, leading to a new revenue stream for individuals passionate about interactive storytelling.

Analytics-Driven Insights:
Creators benefited from the comprehensive reporting system, gaining insights into their game sales and profits, which informed strategic decisions for future creations.


Storiii has successfully addressed the client’s vision by providing a platform that democratizes interactive storytelling. Through a combination of user-friendly interfaces, customization options, and monetization features, Storiii stands as a testament to the transformative power of technology in the realm of creative expression.

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